Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Looking Back at Miss America Week

 By Joelle Simpson

[On Instagram, I asked what questions people would ask a Miss America candidate. Several wonderful questions were submitted. Joelle Simpson, Miss South Dakota 2024, was kind enough to take a crack at answering them for us. This is her first guest blog for us. -S36F]

Did you have a favorite fan/friend/family encounter of the week?

Miss America was a huge family reunion for me and my extended family. It was so nice seeing my long distance cousin, Delaney, and my brother, Josh, after several months of not seeing them. I had almost 40 family members and friends in attendance, so the whole week was really special for me being able to see them (although I wish I got to see them more).

How did you select your gown?

I knew from the moment I won Miss South Dakota that I wanted an emerald green gown. I went to Regalia Gowns in Orlando Florida on a mission to find just that. The first dress I tried on ended up being the gown I selected. However, it originally came in white, so we had Jovani custom make the gown in emerald green for me. It turned out perfect and it's my favorite dress of all time!

What was it like backstage during the competition?

Hectic but fun! Everyone is changing their wardrobe and collecting themselves before getting back onstage. Everything happens so fast so it was a little crazy. Thankfully, everyone was so fun and supportive so I really enjoyed the climate both onstage and backstage!

How did your arrival at the competition go?

The arrival ceremony was super fun and exciting! I hadn't thought much about it before arriving at Miss America, but speaking about my wonderful state and signing our national map was just one of the countless incredible moments of competing at Miss America!

When did it first "hit" you that you were competing at Miss America?

Hearing Madison Marsh speak to us at Miss America Orientation was an impactful moment that "hit" me. Although, I would have to say the entire week I kept getting "hit" with being at Miss America! Another special moment was walking out on stage in the first group for our opening number dance. Seeing and hearing the crowd roar will always make my heart flutter with joy. It was such an incredible feeling! 

What were some of your favorite activities with the other candidates?

Dance rehearsals were always my favorite, but we had so many fun bonding experiences! From the Luau, to going to Universal, to the Red Heart Gala, to of course competing, I'm thankful I got to experience this opportunity with so many lovely women by my side.

What was your favorite part of the whole experience?

Dancing on the Miss America stage! Just being on that stage was so special for someone like me who loves the spotlight.

How did you spend your down time?

Sleeping or seeing my friends and family!

What goes through your mind as you’re standing on the Miss America stage?

Being on stage is when I feel most alive, so I felt overjoyed with excitement and love in my heart. But honestly, words can't describe how cool it feels!

How did it feel presenting your CSI/talent/gown on stage?

Incredibly surreal. I'm grateful to have been able to share so many of my different passions, from my service initiative, Nurturing Nature, to my talent on the pedal harp, and everything in between. It's crazy to think all of America got to see me represent my state, and it was a great reminder of how grateful I am for this opportunity.

What was the prelim process like?

Very enjoyable and exciting. I spent so long preparing for the Miss America stage, so finally being able to showcase all my hardwork was so surreal.

What were your first thoughts after it was all over?

I can't wait to sleep and skate again! I was so exhausted by the end of the week, so getting a full night's rest was a top priority for me. Also, figure skating has always been a big part of my life, so getting back on the ice again was one of the best ways I was able to process the whole experience.

What moment were you most proud of?

I'm proud of it all. I'm proud of my interview, my talent, my service initiative, I'm proud of the journey I've taken to reach and be prepared for the Miss America stage. I spent a lot of time thinking I wouldn't be ready since I won Miss SD on my first try, but overtime I learned I can be proud of myself and all I've accomplished during my 21 years of life!

What was the favorite interview question you were asked?

If you could make any state park in South Dakota a national park, which one would it be and why?

How did you practice self care during the week?

I listened to as much empowering music as I could and I tried to document the journey as much as possible by journaling and vlogging!

What kept you grounded during the week?

This whole experience was incredibly unexpected for me this year. So, I kept reminding myself of this beautiful, yet unexpected journey I'm on and how grateful I am for it kept me grounded.

What was your favorite non-competition event?

Does dancing during the opening number count? That was by far one of my favorite moments!


Joelle Simpson is the current Miss South Dakota. You can find her on her title's Instagram and/or her personal Instagram

This is her first blog for Section 36 Forevers.

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