Friday, March 20, 2020

"Spectrum Sundays" from Francesca D’Alessandro and Meghan Sinisi 

What is "Spectrum Sundays" you ask?

I'm glad you did.

“Spectrum Sundays” is a collaborative and interactive project designed to educate communities about autism spectrum disorders. Miss Thousand Islands 2020, Francesca D’Alessandro and Miss Central Pennsylvania 2020, Meghan Sinisi are passionate autism advocates who have teamed up to create this live Facebook/Instagram TV series in hopes to empower individuals with autism to share their stories and to foster a community of acceptance and respect. 

“Spectrum Sundays” airs every Sunday at 1pm ET from @missthousandislands20ny and @misscentralpa’s Instagram and Facebook pages. Francesca and Meghan encourage anyone with questions about autism to reach out via direct message or by tuning in to their live video each week. People’s experiences with autism and questions will be featured each week in their videos.

Of course, that would be an amazing series under any circumstances. But, we here at Section 36 are especially excited about this. After all, you may remember Meghan Sinisi from her interview with Section 36. Not only that, but (spoiler alert) Francesca D'Alessandro will be visiting with us in a couple weeks!

So we're very excited to see this collaboration between two visitors on this important cause. We certainly hope you'll be tuning in!

Below are some clips of their first show, covering the introductions.

Don't miss the rest of them!

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