Tuesday, August 30, 2022

My 4x4x48 Challenge Recap - A Vlog by Kayla Myers

Kayla Myers recently completed an impressive challenge while raising money for the Boys and Girls Club. Her goal? To run 4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours. Quite a challenge if you ask me. But, I'll let her tell you all about it. Check out the vlog below!

Kayla certainly did a great job!

For more great content like this, I encourage you to follow Kayla on her personal and fitness Instagram accounts. They're great ways to keep track of everything she has going on! 

Thanks, Kayla, for this great recap vlog!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

Say it with me, 

I am accepting myself. 

I am accepting my flaws. 

I am accepting how I should be loved and how to love. 

I am accepting the past for that I can not change. 

I am accepting of letting go and not having full control. 

I am accepting that my life is messy but a beautiful mess. 

I am accepting healing, progress, and growth into my life. 

I am accepting that I am changing for the better everyday. I am enough. 

I am accepting my journey in hopes of finding my purpose in this world. 

I am happy and thankful with a smile on my face. 

You are worthy. In life we will continue to go through small and big changes. Do not stress! There is a reason for everything! Look at life as a roadmap and each situation you gain something. Which can be lots of different things like life lessons, blessings, confidence, power, and love. Leading you to the life you deserve and have planned.

 Continue to start each day with gratitude. Creating a happy and healthy home for yourself. Keep fighting. You can do it. You are so capable. Let yourself live for you. 

I am still accepting myself. Here is a picture of me with no makeup. It is time to break down walls and give the world my messy but beautiful self.

-Katelyn Andrist 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

“Step so far outside your comfort zone that you forget how to get back.” - Anonymous 

Why is it so hard to step out of your comfort zone? 

As a human being we stay in our comfort zone to avoid anxiety, stress, pain, and rejection. Anything outside our comfort zone will create feelings of uncertainty and unknown. These feelings can start to create anxious feelings of regret. When you step out of your comfort zone you are creating a new safe place for yourself. Turn those feelings of regret into feelings of openness. Be grateful you are living your life and understanding you need to grow. 

Stepping out of your comfort zone takes bravery and willingness to fail and pick yourself back up again. Take a chance and step outside your comfort zone.

I promise, you will grow into the best version of yourself (: 

-Katelyn Andrist 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

To the Young Woman Going Through Sorority Recruitment:


No one is you, and that is your superpower. 


Look into the mirror right now and smile. That is the version every single Chapter wants to see. The woman you are seeing is the woman you will need when going through recruitment. 


You are beautiful, powerful, funny, smart, bold, and most of all - you are enough. You are enough right now, during, and after recruitment. 


Now, you are preparing yourself for the most awesome, stressful, and overwhelming week of your life. Yes - it is so much fun getting new makeup, hair, and shoes, but do not forget yourself.


I have been in your shoes. I get it. So, I want to give you three tips for surviving sorority recruitment as your most authentic self:


Tip #1: Just be you. 

You owe it to yourself to have an open mind and real conversations that allow you to present the most confident version of yourself.


Tip #2: Allow yourself to find your home. 

Do not let anyone take away your voice or the freedom to choose the home YOU want. You will find your forever home. A home is a place where you are loved and celebrated for genuinely being you. Not being afraid to love, make mistakes, and show the world who you are unapologetically. 


Tip #3: Be kind to yourself and everything around you. 

Everyone is stressed, nervous, and putting a lot of pressure on themselves. Whenever you are feeling down or not yourself just look into the mirror and remember who you are. 


Now that you have my top three tips for surviving sorority recruitment AND enjoying it, go have some fun ;)


I am grateful for my forever home, Kappa Delta. 


Kappa Delta is here to embrace you for you. We strive to be our most honorable, beautiful, and highest versions of ourselves. Giving our time, passion, and love to the Manhattan Community. 


You are seen. 

You are loved. 

You are embraced for the beautiful person you are. 


Kappa Delta values everyone for their differences! You deserve to be just you in a home filled with amazing people. When I was a freshman I found my forever through the kindness, power, and love from Kappa Delta! 


Cheers to the amazing women of Kappa Delta who are fearless leaders creating a more confident tomorrow. 


With love,


Katelyn Andrist, Senior PC’19 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

 “Sometimes success is merely being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.” -unknown

According to Merriam-Webster, Peace can be defined as harmony in personal relations. These relations could be friendships, relationships, or within yourself. Peace is harmony. Without either one you are not fully complete. Your life needs a healthy balance of peace and harmony. From the moment you lay your head on your pillow to the moment you wake up your soul is searching for peace. The hardest lesson I had to learn was I have the power to my energy and peace. No one can take that away but me. Here is a little reminder that you are powerful. Only you have the power to take back your peace and live your life in harmony. 

Ask yourself are you really at peace within yourself at night? Do you lay your head down to rest, filling at peace with your day?  Filling at peace with how you treated others? Filling at peace on how you handled today? Where do you get your peace? Are their people taking away your peace?

Start and end your day with peace. 

I am sending you peace.

Katelyn Andrist 

My Pageant Journey

By AshLyn Sterling For as long as I can remember, pageantry has been a part of my life. But for most of that time, it wasn’t something I cel...