Thursday, April 28, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Guest Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

This is a guest blog from Katelyn Andrist, embracing her SII: Commit to Confidence: Envisioning A More Confident You! I hope you enjoy it.

“To me, beauty is about being comfortable in your skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are. One day I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body.”
-Gabourey Sidibe 

Loving yourself is the greatest revolution. Your weight does not define your worth. You are enough. You are absolutely beautiful. The problem is not with your body, the problem is what you think of it... and what you think of yourself. Stop being so hard on yourself, your mind and body. I am not here to show off my body but to show you I am comfortable in my skin

A four letter word we let determine our whole life.
On repeat in our minds “Am I skinny enough?” “Am I beautiful enough?” “Why does my body look like this?” “I hate the way I look.”

Remember, everybody is beautiful. Your body is beautiful! Your body doesn’t determine you or your life! Your body and you are not defined by numbers on the tag or scale! It's up to you to tell yourself and others that! You only have one body, love your body unconditionally! Fuel yourself with love and peace of peacefulness! Consume healthy thoughts and food! Exercise hate and negativity off of you. This all starts with you! Cut off toxic and negative people in your life! I promise once you do you will glow and shine brighter than the sun.

It’s okay if your body is changing, that's a normal part of life for a man or woman.
Your body is changing every day just like you (:

With 2022 it’s time to love our bodies wholeheartedly and be comfortable in our skin!! With my life changing, going off to college and dancing less I can see a change in my body but I still love my body. I understand your frustration and know where you are coming from! I am finding new ways to keep myself happy and healthy! I did and I can say I love my body and I feel beautiful in my own skin! You can do the same! The small things add up! I promise you when I say your body is beautiful and everything will be okay. Don’t be so hard on yourself or your body. love your body. you only have one. one mind. one heart. one soul. one body. You are loved and wanted."

- Katelyn Andrist 

I want to thank Katelyn for sharing this story. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Happy Tenth Anniversary K. Garcia Productions!

What an incredible accomplishment! Today marks the ten year mark for K. Garcia Productions, and the woman behind it all Kelsey Garcia Witzgall!

Over that time, K. Garcia Productions, has been a true asset to Section 36. Not only has Kelsey taken some pretty outstanding photographs of Forevers but she was actually an interview guest herself! I'm honored to feature so much of her work, in so many places throughout the Section 36 suite of blogs.

Below, you'll see just a few of the times K. Garcia Productions has made Section 36 a better place.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Guest Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

This is a guest blog from Katelyn Andrist, embracing her SII: Commit to Confidence: Envisioning A More Confident You! I hope you enjoy it.

25% of Americans admit to feeling lonely in the last month
66% say that having a close relationship with other people is always on their minds
In a room full of people we can still be lonely. Our minds are a beautiful creation with lightning and thunderstorms. We have to remember to grow, we must feel pain. We need to be struck by lightning to have realizations of ourselves, life and other things going on in our life. We need rain to grow and heal our hearts, minds, souls and more. Choose people who give you rain not thunderstorms. You have the power to give yourself growth or lightning. Please choose growth every time. I promise in time everything will get better and make sense.
Let yourself grow and bloom into the person God created you to be(:

You matter.
You are loved.
You can do anything you put your mind to.
You are you.

Don’t let your thunderstorms cloud your mind because you are beautiful. You have a purpose in this world.

- Katelyn Andrist 

I want to thank Katelyn for sharing this story. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

There's a New Miss Steel City in Town

Release from Miss Steel City

On April 2nd, 2022 the city of Pittsburgh welcomed their new Miss Steel City PA 2022, also known as Shakira Unique Jackson. Jackson recalls going with her mom to vote in West Philadelphia and noticing an age difference.

"You would see more seniors," she said. She infrequently saw younger adults staffing the polling locations" that is when she knew her social change journey was just beginning. 

Jackson is a senior studying history-political science and pre-law at the University of Pittsburgh, and her social impact initiative is "inspiring the next generation of voters." Jackson has worked very hard these past few years to increase voter turnout on her campus and in the Pittsburgh and Bradford area. Jackson's first-time as a poll worker was in 2020 as part of a national measure by the Campus Vote Project, a nonpartisan group that works to reduce barriers to student voting on college campuses. 

In doing so, Jackson, who is a Black and Italian American, joined a diverse group of thousands of younger Americans who stepped in as poll workers across the country during early voting and on Election Day.

According to the FiveThirtyEight politics survey with Ipsos of more than 8,000 Americans, people between 18 and 34 are less likely to have faith in our political system, but Jackson plans to change this with her social impact initiative.

Jackson currently serves as the President of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford's Student Voting Coalition and has hopes to not only increase voter turnout but create diligent young leaders who understand the purpose behind fair redistricting maps and the power voting yields. "One of the prominent issues with voter education is the lack of knowledge," Jackson said. 

With the help of the Miss Pennsylvania organization, Jackson intends to reach a different audience and help citizens become aware of additional resources that could help increase the number of people educated about voter education. Jackson also hopes to increase the number of volunteers both within the Miss Pennsylvania organization and at the voting polls while also inspiring the next generation of voters to become civically engaged through the arts. 

Miss Steel City emphasized that expression and education is the answer to solving social issues and wants others to care about this issue because voting impacts everybody regardless of one's social status. 

One of the steps Jackson plans to take when she becomes Miss Pennsylvania is to create her own voting curriculum for educational institutions to utilize. Miss Steel City Shakira Jackson believes that communities of interest deserve to be represented fairly. Miss Steel City wants all higher education institutions to be considered a community of interest, given its importance to helping young voters create a pattern of lifetime voting and do their duty as American citizens. 

The city of Pittsburgh is proud to have such a strong, diligent and inspiring youth advocate, and we can not wait to see all of the work and service she pursues.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

"Becoming Confident" - An Announcement from Katelyn Andrist

An announcement from Katelyn Andrist. I hope you are as excited as I am about  it.

I am beyond grateful and excited to announce I have written and published a Children’s Book, “Becoming Confident!" Becoming Confident tells the story of a young dancer named Lula as she takes on the journey towards discovering the beauty of accepting who you are and becoming confident in who you are meant to be! This book brings awareness on mental health, body positivity, anxiety, and difficult conversations about our insecurities! I have created this book to advocate, educate, and create a more confident future for an individual’s self-esteem!!

This has been one of my biggest dreams and goals this year!!! This book has been in the making since November!!! I couldn’t have done it alone! I had an amazing team who stood behind me and helped my visions come to life!! Ava is one of co-authors and Sarah is the illustrator!! Thank you so much to the both of you for all your help, hard work, and endless nights together!! 

A big shout out to Mr.Rollin who brought my book to life!! He was just so sweet and such an amazing supporter!! The Kansas State University Printing was absolutely fabulous!!! KSU has supported me this whole year through my journey to Miss Kansas! I am so grateful! 

If you would like to purchase “Becoming Confident!” I have created a quick and easy way for you to purchase a book!! You can fill out this link down below!!! All proceeds 100% go towards the book and shipping!!I am so excited to share my heart with Kansas!! ðŸ’– When you buy one book the KSU printing will donate a book to our local churches, business, dance studios, schools, and more!!!! 

Cheers to what amazing things are ahead!! I know I can’t wait!!! 

Thank you so much!!! 

-Katelyn Andrist 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Guest Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

This is a guest blog from Katelyn Andrist, embracing her SII: Commit to Confidence: Envisioning A More Confident You! I hope you enjoy it.


Remember..... you deserve happiness & love. No one can take that away from you. It’s okay to put yourself first. You need to be selfish when it comes to your health and future. 

April will be filled with opportunity.
April will be filled with positivity.
April will be filled with peace.
April will be filled with adventures.
April will be filled with kindness.
April will be filled with love. April is your month to make new, heal, and grow. 

It’s your lucky month(:


Kateln Andrist

I want to thank Katelyn for sharing this story. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Sportsmanship in Pageantry and Scholarship Competitions - a Guest Blog by Francesca D’Alessandro

Photo: Jessielyn Palumbo
Ever heard the quote, “Winning is first place, everything else is losing”? Recently at the 2022 Beijing Olympics, Alexandra Trusova, who is one of the greatest Russian Olympic figure skaters, earned second place in the world games. For most people, this would be an accomplishment of a lifetime but instead, she rampaged in a tantrum of frustration stating she would never skate again. Maybe our moments of rejection or failure aren’t so public nor far-reaching but we all have found ourselves in the depths of disappointment. I don’t actively tell myself that winning is everything but I find myself subconsciously thinking this from time to time when preparing for competitions. Below I will share some steps that have helped me when I’ve flopped and provided me with the strength to keep going.

First, to see the whole picture a little better, it might help to understand my background in competing. I never started out in pageants and never thought of myself as “that girl” but I’m glad I was wrong. Ever since childhood, I played in a variety of sports, jumped into local writing and talent contests, participated in statewide singing conferences, as well as auditioned for numerous theaters. That being said, I’ve had more rejections than acceptances. Eventually more and more of my days were viciously consumed by overthinking my flaws, comparing myself to the unrealistic expectations I held and fixated on the perfection I saw in others. I overlooked my own greatness, accomplishments, and my own potential. However, I took notice of these hindering beliefs I held and started to push back. Slowly, I started changing the way I talked to myself, how I spent my time, and how I perceived my life. With these steady and subtle changes, my life transformed in every aspect. Eventually, I enjoyed the challenges I faced and it helped set up a healthy mindset for each goal I set. Not only did objective goals like my run times or the repetitions of weights I could lift improved, but so did other goals such as my thoughts and feelings about others. I became joyful and proud of my peers for winning and wanted to support them the same way I would support myself. 

Here are some things to practice and keep in mind when competing in sports or otherwise:
Time to Reflect:
This aspect of the preparation process can be the less glamorous part and it is difficult to see the hard truths we have to face. First, look at what needs improvement and what you aren’t happy with. It could even be something as straightforward as noticing that every time you see pictures from a certain person you follow on social media, you get overwhelmed. This could be related to feelings of comparison even if it’s not intentional. If you get teary-eyed or anxious thinking about your mock interviews, this could mean you’re feeling unprepared or had previously bad experiences that are spilling into your current situation. 

Take Action Steps:
Some believe in the power of goal lists but having a fear list is just as powerful. Next to each fear you are experiencing (and get specific) write the reason why you feel that way and one or more action steps that will help ease your fear. For example, if you are afraid of speaking on a podcast, ask yourself why, and then write an action step of practicing your introduction then practicing the major talking points you’d like to speak upon. Additionally, organize and prioritize your schedule as needed. Find which tasks are the ones that are urgent and place them at the top of the list. Follow that up with tasks that you can slowly work or ones that are less urgent but need to get done that day. This organization and flow will help maintain an inner peace as you are preparing for your competition.

Mind Your Thoughts:
Feelings and thoughts become words and actions that make or break your competition experiences. This is true for top athletes across the world. Take notice of the limiting self beliefs and address them immediately. Do not let them sit and steep in your mind. Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you, books and podcasts that add to your growth, and tell yourself mantras or beliefs that focus on your strengths and give you hope. Do not allow more than a moment for self-doubt and thoughts of self-comparison. Realize that you are enough as you are, you will get better over time, and you are worthy of love and respect throughout the entire journey.

Hopefully these tips will help you find the inner strength to keep going as well as find a sense of camaraderie as you prepare for your local or state competitions. We are stronger together and your only competition is within yourself. In the words of Simone Biles, one of the distinguished gymnasts of all time, “A successful competition for me is always going out there and putting 100 percent into whatever I'm doing. It's not always winning….but for me, it's hitting the best sets I can, gaining confidence, and having a good time and having fun.”

-Francesca D’Alessandro Miss Metropolitan New York 2022

I can't thank Francesca enough for sharing this with us. I hope you enjoyed it!

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Guest Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

This is a guest blog from Katelyn Andrist, embracing her SII: Commit to Confidence: Envisioning A More Confident You! I hope you enjoy it.

“Let go of being perfect. Nothing in life is perfect, therefore you’re not supposed to be. Love your imperfections, I know it’s hard, it's taken me a long time to love them with myself. But I promise when you let go, that day you realize how much happier you are.” - Ashley Tisdale 

Let’s bring more love, happiness, real, honest, kindness, compassion, passions, self-love, hope, faith, prayer, God and SO much more!!!! It’s time to make the change for yourself. More self- love!!!! Loving yourself and others unconditionally!! Lead with love! Love makes the world go around!! Talk to yourself and others with love! It’s time to let go of the negative thoughts about yourself and others. Once you start loving you for you the world is yours endlessly.







In 2022 I wish you more love with others and yourself! More hope and faith! Believing in yourself and God(: He has a purpose and journey for you! Remember everything happens for a reason and you made it this far!! Keep pushing yourself with your head up! Sooner or later things will fall into place. You matter! You are amazing! You are you. Don’t ever change for anyone! Know your worth.

Remember: Don’t compare yourself to others. Celebrate the little and big wins! Understanding yourself will take time. It’s okay. Enjoy the journey and what comes along with it (: 

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit” -Jeremiah 17: 7-8 

Wishing you the best💕



I want to thank Katelyn for sharing this story. 

My Pageant Journey

By AshLyn Sterling For as long as I can remember, pageantry has been a part of my life. But for most of that time, it wasn’t something I cel...