Thursday, September 29, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

Trust Your Journey.

With the new month coming up quickly I want to have a new mindset. For the month of October my mindset will be “And so the adventure begins……”  Let yourself have peace knowing you should let go and trust your journey. 

In the month of October you should stay patient and kind with yourself. 

Do not be so hard on yourself for feeling lost, confused, or like you have not figured out everything. You will achieve your highest and wildest dreams when the timing is right. 

Life would be boring if you have done everything and have already achieved the things you have always wanted. You have to move with grace for each season of your life that you are in. If you move quickly you will have no room to reflect or grow. Take time to slow down and enjoy the space you have created. You will never get some of these moments back.

Stay kind and true to you (:

Follow your dreams and your journey. 

-Katelyn Andrist 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

It is not a reflection on you.

For the longest time I would always blame myself for how people treated me. I felt and created my mind to think I was the problem. It is not my problem nor job to influence people’s opinions of a person, mindset, or life. 

We all have a voice for reason. You choose what you will impact. We see things not as they are but as we are. How people treat you is a reflection on how they view themselves and this world. 

You cannot always control being rejected. You can 100% control the meaning you give it. In life it is not what happens to you, but how you react to it.

You deserve to express your emotions, thoughts, and feelings in a space where you will not be rejected. That is unfair to you. You are allowed to express how you are feeling or what you want. You should be proud of yourself for opening up and saying how you are feeling. If the people around you can not fully listen or have a conversation with you then that is a reflection on them not you. 

Keep on leading with love with an open, honest, and pure heart. The love you give to the world will make its way back to you sooner rather than later. I receive love by filling my heart with Community Service! Johnny is a beautiful reflection of a happy soul and light (:

Keep on expressing yourself! Keep on being you!

Katelyn Andrist 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

Personal Growth can be defined as improving one’s habits, behavior, actions, and reactions. This requires motivation and the desire to make change. This is an everyday process with becoming uncomfortable and stepping out of your comfort zone. You must live life with no limitations, except the ones you make. Inspiring yourself is a simple and positive way to create the life you have always wanted. 

Productive You = Happier You

Personal Growth starts with : 

1) Motivation 

2)  Vision 

3) Planning 

4) Learning 

5) Training 

6) Creativity 

7) Develop 

8) Goals 

How will you be productive this week? 

-Katelyn Andrist 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

New month, new goals, and a new mindset. 

This month I am trying to take more breaks and resting points for myself. I love constantly being on the go but lately I have been stopping to just enjoy life. The days turn into weeks then months and boom a year has gone by. I want to live my life to the fullest impacting the community, myself, and making a difference in this world. I will continue to use my voice and push myself in ways that make me uncomfortable. 

 In the month of September I want to address my emotions instead of pushing them down. Sometimes my emotions make me feel uncomfortable and I don't want to talk about them. Not this month. I am going to do better with handling my emotions in a healthy way. Creating growth with new levels of myself being unfolded. 

If you are struggling with your emotions please know you are not alone. It is very difficult to understand what you are feeling, let alone speak it out loud.

Here is my plan for when I am feeling certain ways in September and how I plan to express them: 

overthinking —> write 

anxious —> meditate 

tired —> power nap 

sad —> exercise 

stressed —> walk 

angry —> music 

feeling down —> reduce screen time 

burnt out —> read 

You are human. You do not have to always be strong and understand what is happening. Give yourself some grace this month. 

Wishing you a month full of acceptance, uncomfortable growth, and learning to love. 

-Katelyn Andrist 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

 Things I am no longer apologizing for this year: 

  1. My feelings

  2. Having boundaries 

  3. Saying no to something I am not interested in doing 

  4. Not answering the phone when I can not or do not feel like it 

  5. Taking a break 

  6. Asking for clarity when I do not understand 

  7. How others behave 

  8. Changing and becoming better 

  9. Putting myself first 

  10. Not settling for less than what I deserve 

  11. Letting go when I need to 

  12. Healing at my own pace

It is time to put yourself first. You owe it to yourself. 
When you take time for yourself, things start to fall into place. Take back your life and this year. 

Just be yourself. Your natural beauty self (:

Here is another picture of no filter... just me and the sun.

-Katelyn Andrist 

My Pageant Journey

By AshLyn Sterling For as long as I can remember, pageantry has been a part of my life. But for most of that time, it wasn’t something I cel...