Thursday, September 14, 2017

Starting Out The Runway!

 I know I’ve said this before. But, I really really didn’t see this happening. Section 36 started off as a Red Sox fan blog, and that’s still exactly what it is. Being involved in any way with the Miss America Organization was never something that was on my radar. But, I’m certainly glad it happened. It started with the realization that some of these incredible women were Red Sox fans. Or, they represented regions deep within Red Sox Nation. Either way, it occurred to me that they could add some welcome variety to the blog. So one thing led to another, and the first visitor, Miss Massachusetts ’14 Lauren Kuhn, arrived. Her interview was so much fun to do, and an incredibly popular post.

That led to more visitors, and more fun. It has all worked out better than I could have ever imagined. It got so huge, that they needed their own page on Section 36 to properly display them. But, then I came to another realization. Not everyone who might be interested in these women is a Red Sox fan. After all, if you’re a fan of Miss Washington, chances are you’re a Mariners fan…like Kailee herself was. If you’re following Amanda Debus, you might be a Pirates fan. So, I realized that hiding these interviews in a Red Sox blog might be doing a disservice. Not everyone who would want to hear what they had to say could easily access them. When it was just one or two visitors, it wasn’t such a big deal. Their fans would just have to deal. But, now that the numbers of visitors crossed over twenty, with no signs of slowing down, I realized something needed to be done.

I had already dipped my toe into the waters by creating an exclusive S36Pageants twitter account. The idea was that it would be something for people who weren’t Red Sox fans to follow, and only get updates on the pageant visitors. This really expands on that, and gives my pageant visitors their own little Section of the web. (See what I did there?)

So, at the moment I’m not sure if this blog will have original content, or not. The working plan is to make it “Section 36” with everything but the content related to my pageant visitors edited out. All of the interviews will be organized for their fans to find easily. The sidebars will be filled with visitor and pageant related information. As we move forward, I may find some content related to my pageant visitors, but having nothing to do with the Red Sox. That may find a home here. But, we’ll see how that goes.

For now, I present Section 36 Pageants. I hope you’ll find it a fun section where we can celebrate the amazing women who have agreed to visit Section 36.

Here’s to them! 

My Pageant Journey

By AshLyn Sterling For as long as I can remember, pageantry has been a part of my life. But for most of that time, it wasn’t something I cel...