Thursday, January 26, 2023

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

 True belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect, and radiant selves to the world. Which creates greater self-acceptance and acceptance of others for who they are. 

Vulnerability is the foundation of love, joy, belonging, courage, creativity, and empathy.

The only way to change how we present ourselves is by taking responsibility for who we are with the good, bad, and everything in-between. 

You deserve soft, gentle, kind, and authentic love created especially for you. 

-Katelyn Andrist 

Monday, January 23, 2023

Does Anyone Collect Miss America?

As most of you know, I'm a sports fan, especially baseball. I'm also a collector with a small collection of Red Sox (and sports in generable) collectables.

I'm certainly not alone in that. There are many Red Sox fans out there, and many many people collect sports items. Whether that's trading cards, or bobbleheads, or autographs.

I'm also not immune to collecting pop culture. If you look, you'll see that I may have a Star Wars item or two sitting on my desk. 

And, again, not only am I not alone in this endeavor. I'm also far from the most dedicated. There are entire conventions dedicated to people who collect pop culture items, whether it's a comic book, or movie, or tv show. A quick google or instagram search will bring up endless people showing off their collections from Harry Potter Funko figures to autographed pictures of the Friends cast.

And with all these collections, some of the best collectables are the ones used by the entity. Whether it's a jersey worn in a Red Sox game, or a prop shown on screen in the Mandalorian. The on field or on screen or on stage stuff is incredibly collectable. Has been for quite a while. People have rooms dedicated to the outfits worn by the cast of the Chronicles of Narnia, or another favorite film.

Which leads me to the question in the title. Do people do this for Miss America?

I ask because I've seen lots of MAO competitors selling off some of their wardrobe. Which, of course, makes sense. It's not cheap, and doesn't really have a ton of uses after retirement. So, why not try to recoup some costs, and allow other competitors to get a deal? But, sometimes the collector in me is aghast. "Wait...that's a stage worn state competition gown!" or, even something worn at Miss America. Even on stage. Don't people want those? Aren't there collectors with rooms full of mannequins wearing past gowns? Wouldn't they be willing to pay a premium for those? I would be shocked if they didn't exist.

But, I'd also be shocked if they hadn't already reached out to the competitors. 

A google search didn't exactly bring up a ton of results either. No articles of people showing off their "pageant rooms" or what not. Not even collections of Miss America merchandise, newspapers, etc. A few people seem to collect autograph cards, but even those didn't have posts dedicated to them that I could see. I mean there are instagram accounts dedicated to showing off autographed playing cards, but I couldn't find one showing off Miss America autograph cards?

For an iconic American institution that's been running for 100 years? I don't understand it.

Where are the collectors? 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

Let this be a reminder,

It takes time to figure out that big-time success must come from taking many small, ordinary steps in the right direction.

You can not ever take the next step until you take the first. 

Take that first step and watch it change your life forever.

-Katelyn Andrist 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist





There will always be a reason why you can not do something; your job is to constantly look for the reasons why you can. The same voice that is saying “give up” can also be the same voice saying “keep going”... only you can decide. 

Continue to keep challenging yourself every single day. 

It is your time to shine. 

Trust the process. 

Isaiah 60:22: “When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

-Katelyn Andrist 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Altogether Beautiful - A Blog by Katie Farr

A girl, just a sophomore in high school, sits in church alone on Sunday. She watches the service, then everything goes dark. She wakes surrounded by people, worried and frantic. She is taken to the hospital, and they tell her nothing is wrong, but she knows there is. Fast forward to the same girl during COVID, sneaking away downstairs to purge the dinner or dessert she just ate. This girl was me.


Throughout much of my high school experience I suffered from an eating disorder. This fact, that I can now admit to myself, has affected not only me but my family and friends as well. As a girl from Mid-Missouri eating disorders, education and treatment weren’t something that I was made aware of, which led me to never be diagnosed or receive treatment that could have saved me years of suffering.


My senior year I was given the opportunity to write and give a testimony about my experiences with an eating disorder to freshman girls. I was incredibly vulnerable, and my message made an impact not only on the students but the faculty as well. The principal pulled me aside afterwards and said the battle of self-worth is something she has fought every day for 36 years. While going through the writing process we were asked to find a bible quote that correlated to our story. “You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.” Song of Solomon 4:7. This verse has been monumental in my recovery journey and has even become something bigger.


My freshman year of college, I decided to compete within the Miss America Organization to gain scholarships and grow as a young woman. I knew more advocacy for eating disorders was needed to help young girls and women just like the ones I shared my story with my senior year of high school. Once I decided to compete in the Miss America Organization, advocating for eating disorders is exactly what I wanted and needed to do. My own experiences with an eating disorder and the lack of awareness I saw as a young adult led me to create my initiative Altogether Beautiful: an eating disorder awareness initiative aimed at spreading awareness by educating, fundraising, and sharing my own journey with an eating disorder.


I have taken this disease that once dominated my life and turned it into an initiative to help others. With the verse at the core of my recovery held close to my heart, I will show all that I meet that they too are altogether beautiful.

If you wish to support my cause you can purchase merchandise from my online store using the link attached. The online store is only open through January 15th! 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

 Let 2023 be the New Year you manifest everything you want. 






A new era for you starts now. 

Take the risk. Do not let the unknown stop you from progressing.

Cheers to the New Year!

-Katelyn Andrist 

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Section 36 Forevers!

Looking back on 2022, I'm pleased with the content and progress of this here blog and could not be more excited about the future. 2021 saw a refocus of the blog, and I was really able to grab onto that in 2022, by focusing on the titleholders.

The biggest development was the addition of so many guest blogs. It's such an important part of what I'm doing here with the "for titleholders by titleholders" sort of feel. It's so wonderful to share the thoughts and views from so many different places.

Of course, any guest blog discussion needs to start with Katelyn Andrist. Her weekly "Committing to Confidence" guest blog series has been a great way to see her expand on her SII. We've been able to reach so many people together, and I can wait to have that series continue.

Beyond that, I've been able to post guest blogs recounting experience at Miss America, at appearances, and deep dives into SIIs. It's been so much fun to share so many amazing posts. (Interested in writing one of your own? Feel free to reach out.)

And don't forget the Section 36 store! I love seeing titleholders showing off their favorite merch! Do you have any yet?

There has also been a social media growth! As I hope you're aware, the Section 36 Forevers social media presence is out there. How? I'm glad you asked!
Instagram is probably the place I’ve seen the most movement in the past year. It’s been great connecting with fans and visitors through that site. I use that account to post any and all pictures that have been submitted by my interview guests. Maybe they were pictures that went along with their interviews, or extras that couldn’t fit with the interview. Or, they’re pictures that have been submitted after visiting. Whatever the case, I post them and use them to remind people of their visit. It’s fun because it adds a lot of different content to the feed. That account had a big 2022! 

Twitter is still there, as long as Elon allows it to be.  It will tweet out links to titleholder interviews. It also passes along tweets/announcements from visitors. 

Facebook provides fun opportunities. It posts links to titleholder interviews, as well as any pictures former visitors have submitted. It has also started posting pictures of any titleholders with Section 36 gear, whether they’ve visited or not. The number of people who like that page continued to grow in 2022.

With all those ways to connect with Section 36 Forevers, there should be plenty of ways to share the amazing things my visitors are doing. I can't want to bring that to a much larger scale.

It’ll be a lot of fun. I hope you'll come along for the ride! 

And I hope you'll consider a guest blog!

My Pageant Journey

By AshLyn Sterling For as long as I can remember, pageantry has been a part of my life. But for most of that time, it wasn’t something I cel...