Friday, December 6, 2019

K. Garcia Productions Week - Specialty Shoots

 During the month of December, the Section 36 blog is celebrating "Photography Month" with weekly posts about photography. Monday started the month off with a feature on a photographer who has meant so much to the success of Section 36, Kelsey of K. Garcia Productions.

Readers of this blog know how important Kelsey has been. A single post didn't seem to be enough. Therefore, Section 36 Forevers is holding "K. Garcia Productions Week" as a way to try and show the world Kelsey's contributions. The K. Garcia Productions photos shown here on Section 36 Forevers have also done a pretty great job of showing all the different types of pictures she specializes in. Whether it's headshots and portraits, or fashion, or pageants, or marketing...they've all managed to find their way onto this blog. Today, though, we're going to focus on her "Specialty Shoot" photographs. Sometimes the standard photo shoot just won't do. You need a theme, or a hook, or a special element. Kelsey certainly excels in those types of shots as well. What do I mean? Let's look as some examples that have graced the titleholder profile pages of this blog.

Kelsey has had some fun photographing with a smoke bomb...if that's what it's called. It really adds a dramatic effect to the pictures. These pictures of Allie Curtis, Meghan Rubadou, and Nicolette Peloquin all use the smoke, but all have different feels. It always amazes me how that happens.

Another specialty of Kelsey is "arcade shots". She's a master at using the different colors and light levels available in an arcade to their full potential. Like with these pictures of Allie Curtis and Lyndsey Littlefield.

What? Yup. Those are pictures in a milk bath! Be sure to check out Kelsey's YouTube channel for the behind the scenes video of this shoot. Didn't the pictures of Sara Achorn and Meghan Rubadou turn out amazing?

As you can see, Kelsey really has a lot of fun with her shoots. Which is great, because we all then get to enjoy her work. Thankfully K. Garcia Productions has been sharing so many amazing images like these with all of us at Section 36.

I can't wait to see what she shares next!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

K. Garcia Productions Week - Marketing Photography

 During the month of December, the Section 36 blog is celebrating "Photography Month" with weekly posts about photography. Monday started the month off with a feature on a photographer who has meant so much to the success of Section 36, Kelsey of K. Garcia Productions.

Readers of this blog know how important Kelsey has been. A single post didn't seem to be enough. Therefore, Section 36 Forevers is holding "K. Garcia Productions Week" as a way to try and show the world Kelsey's contributions. The K. Garcia Productions photos shown here on Section 36 Forevers have also done a pretty great job of showing all the different types of pictures she specializes in. Whether it's headshots and portraits, or fashion, or pageants they've all managed to find their way onto this blog. Today, though, we're going to focus on her "marketing" photographs. If you have a brand, or a business, or a product...the right picture of it can help potential customers see you in the proper light. It it a wonderful way to expand your brand, especially in the right hands. Kelsey certainly does that. What do I mean? Let's look as some examples that have graced the titleholder profile pages of this blog.

You've seen this picture before, perhaps because it's one of my favorite pictures ever. This picture was taken during a photo shoot K. Garcia Productions had with Bridget Oei. You probably remember Bridget from her visit with Section 36, and the fact that she finished first runner up to Miss America 2019. Bridget has this Section 36 sweatshirt and she and Kelsey surprised me by including the outfit in the shoot. It's just absolute perfection. As a marketing shot, it has everything. An amazing model showing off the merchandise, and the background color really helping everything pop. Can't imagine loving it more.

Here are a few photos Kelsey took for Duke's Bakery featuring the amazing Meghan Rubadou. Whether it's straight forward shot showing how you use...or in this case eat...the product, or using the product with a little bit of whimsy pictures like this get people to see what you have to offer. Kelsey does a great job of bringing out the best in whatever there is to offer.

As you can see, marketing photos can really be just about anything! Especially when those photos are taken by Kelsey. Thankfully K. Garcia Productions has been sharing so many amazing images like these with all of us at Section 36.

Wait until you see what comes next. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

K. Garcia Productions Week - Pageant Photos

During the month of December, the Section 36 blog is celebrating "Photography Month" with weekly posts about photography. Monday started the month off with a feature on a photographer who has meant so much to the success of Section 36, Kelsey of K. Garcia Productions.

Readers of this blog know full well how important Kelsey has been. So much so that a single post didn't seem to be enough. Therefore, Section 36 Forevers is holding "K. Garcia Productions Week" here on the blog. It's a fun way to try and show the world all of Kelsey's contributions. The K. Garcia Productions photos shown here on Section 36 Forevers have also done a pretty great job of showing all the different types of pictures she specializes in. Whether it's headshots and portraits, or fashion, or business they've all managed to find their way onto this blog. Today, though, we're going to focus on her pageant photographs. What do I mean? Let's look as some examples that have graced the titleholder profile pages of this blog.

Pageant photographs can be done on location, and maybe even on the spur of the moment. This great shot of several titleholders ready to run certainly shows that. If you look closely, you can see a couple visitors to Section 36 in this shot. Therefore, you can find this pic on the Section 36 Forevers profile page for both Jordan St. Onge and Jillian Zucco

This gorgeous picture shows how Kelsey captured the elegance within Bridget Oei. You probably remember Bridget from her interview with Section 36. 

I love this shot! Photographing titleholders and planes isn't something I would have thought of, so it's a good thing we have K. Garcia Productions. Love the contrast of the green gown against the backdrop. You again probably remember Molly Andrade from her interview.

Showing pageant girls in their element. Lyndsey Littlefield, now Miss Massachusetts, is also a Spartan racer. So, of course, picturing her working on an obstacle is the perfect way to show who she is. Once again, you probably remember Lyndsey from her interview.

Another great location helping to make a great pageant photo! Again, I hope you remember Allie Curtis from her interview with Section 36.

As you can see, pageant photos can really be just about anything! Especially when those photos are taken by Kelsey. Thankfully K. Garcia Productions has been sharing so many amazing images like these with all of us at Section 36.

One other segment of pageant photos that Kelsey excels at is taking pictures during the competition itself. Oddly, none of those photos have made their way on to Section 36 yet. And, that's a big "yet." Kelsey will be photographing at Miss America in just a couple weeks, and you'll be able to see those photos right here on Section 36 Forevers!

I can't wait! 

K. Garcia Productions Week - On Location Shoots

During the month of December, the Section 36 blog is celebrating "Photography Month" with weekly posts about photography. Monday started the month off with a feature on a photographer who has meant so much to the success of Section 36, Kelsey of K. Garcia Productions.

Readers of this blog know full well how important Kelsey has been. So much so that a single post didn't seem to be enough. Therefore, Section 36 Forevers is holding "K. Garcia Productions Week" here on the blog as way to try and show the world all of Kelsey's contributions. The K. Garcia Productions photos shown here on Section 36 Forevers have also done a pretty great job of showing all the different types of pictures she specializes in. Whether it's headshots and portraits, or fashion, or business they've all managed to find their way onto this blog. Today, though, we're going to focus on her "on location" photographs. When your stepping outside the studio, a good photographer can combine the right location with the right shot to make the perfect picture. Kelsey certainly does that. What do I mean? Let's look as some examples that have graced the titleholder profile pages of this blog.

Starting off with a few great shots of the current Miss Massachusetts Lyndsey Littlefield. The first shot beautifully shows the then Miss Lakeville posing with a lake. Brilliant. The second shot perfectly plays the colorful wetsuit against the water in the background. The third shot takes an urban background and uses it to show the essence of Lyndsey, working with an obstacle. you probably remember Lyndsey from her interview.

How do you know I'm not a professional photographer? I would never ask a model to pose in front of a bike rack And, if I did, it would never turn out close to as good as this first shot of Allie Curtis. The second shot perfectly combines an over the top costume with the perfect backdrop. I hope you remember Allie Curtis from her interview with Section 36.

Speaking of great backdrops, this shot of Jillian Zucco uses one to perfection. I love the way the color of her outfit mimics the color of the lighthouse against the sky. You might remember Jillian from her interview with Section 36.

Photographing titleholders and planes isn't something I would have thought of, so it's a good thing we have K. Garcia Productions. Love the contrast of the green gown against the backdrop. You again probably remember Molly Andrade from her interview.

This shot just works on so many levels. I love the look in the eyes of Nicolette Peloquin, casually sitting in her chair in the middle of the road. I hope you remember Nicolette from her interview.

As you can see, pageant photos can really be just about anything! Especially when those photos are taken by Kelsey. Thankfully K. Garcia Productions has been sharing so many amazing images like these with all of us at Section 36.

Wait until you see what comes next. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

K. Garcia Productions Week - Headshots and Portraits

During the month of December, the Section 36 blog is celebrating "Photography Month" with weekly posts about photography. Today started the month off with a feature on a photographer who has meant so much to the success of Section 36, Kelsey of K. Garcia Productions.

Of course, readers of this blog (and its social media accounts) know full well how important Kelsey has been. So much so that a single post didn't seem to be enough. Therefore, Section 36 Pageants is holding "K. Garcia Productions Week" here on the blog. It's a fun way to try and show the world all of Kelsey's contributions. The K. Garcia Productions photos shown here on Section 36 Pageants have also done a pretty great job of showing all the different types of pictures she specializes in. Whether it's pageant photographs, or fashion, or business they've all manages to find their way onto this blog. Today, though, we're going to focus on her portraits and headshots. What always amazes me is the ability of a photographer to take something that seems like it would be generic to me, a picture of someone's head, and somehow transform it into a unique work of art. What do I mean? Let's look as some examples that have graced the titleholder profile pages of this blog.

Nothing generic about this one, right? This picture perfectly encapsulates the personality of Meghan Rubadou.

This amazing headshot appears on Alexis Ferreira's interview. It's a simple, beautiful shot.

This incredible shot is of Megan Sylvia. Her fierceness just jumps right out of the picture.

A great portrait can be taken on location too! This shot of Allie Curtis perfectly incorporates her surroundings...and her smile.

Another one that is definitely not generic. This beautiful portrait lets you look deep into the soul of Lyndsey Littlefield as it peeks over the angel wings. Just incredible. 

As you can see, a lot can be done with a portrait when it's in the right hands. Thankfully K. Garcia Productions has been sharing so many amazing images like these with all of us at Section 36.

Wait until you see what comes next. 

My Pageant Journey

By AshLyn Sterling For as long as I can remember, pageantry has been a part of my life. But for most of that time, it wasn’t something I cel...