Thursday, February 21, 2019

Happy Engineers Week!

Yeah, I know. The week is almost over, so I’m a bit late. But, there’s a reason I decided to mention it today.

I hope you’ve all been enjoying the interviews I’ve been fortunate enough to conduct with Miss America (and other organizations) titleholders. I’ve always thought it was fun to talk to these baseball fans and see what they had to say. You may have noticed that many of them have platforms dealing with science and engineering, which is fantastic. One of them (at least) is even currently a civil engineer. Emily Mahana interviewed with me last year when she held the Miss Upstate New York crown, and talked about her platform getting girls interested in engineering. With Engineers Week this week, I thought it might be fun to expand on that. So, Emily was nice enough to create a video talking about Engineers Week and, especially, Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day...which happens to be today! (I told you I had a reason.) So please watch Emily’s video below… View from Section 36: Emily Mahana shares her views on Engineers Week”!


I hope you enjoyed it. (Notice the logo in the background?) With any luck this will be the first in a series of “View from Section 36” videos. Gotta put that YouTube channel to work!

My Pageant Journey

By AshLyn Sterling For as long as I can remember, pageantry has been a part of my life. But for most of that time, it wasn’t something I cel...