Tuesday, August 15, 2023

My MAO Journey - A Blog Series By Hannah Roque (Part 3 - My Why)

This is the third in a four-part guest blog series by Hannah Roque discussing her MAO journey. You can find part one here. I  am honored to be able to present them, and hope you'll read and share them all. -S36F

So what is my 
why? Well, I can break it down into 3 pieces. In a lot of ways, I've built many sections of my life around making an impact; I got my degree from Saint Michael's College, which is dedicated to socially impacting our world through their students. I work as an Admission Counselor, helping students through their college journey and help them access higher education. I am a delegate in the Miss America Opportunity, which allows me to be an advocate for Stroke Awareness, body positivity, and for the organization itself on a much larger scale. I've wanted to make an impact on my world around me for my whole life, and from a young age I knew that competing in the Miss America Opportunity would give me the chance to do so. As far as I know, I am the only delegate in the country advocating for stroke awareness, and I have been able to reach stroke survivors all across my state, and spread awareness about the signs of a stroke. As Miss Vermont, I know my reach will be even larger, and I will be able to advocate for stroke awareness at a regional and national level. I have already been able to create resources that my family would have used when we were going through a crisis and spread awareness throughout Vermont using my local title. I am excited to continue to be an advocate and utilize the platform that Miss Vermont and Miss America gives me to reach a wider audience. The second part of my why, is being a plus sized delegate. Growing up, watching Miss America and various state competitions, I always wished there was someone onstage that looked like me. I had a deep love for Miss America, and the dream to become Miss Vermont, but I felt like there wasn’t space for someone with my body type on the Miss America stage. Now, as a plus sized delegate, I am setting the example for young girls that they can become a local titleholder (and a state titleholder!) by being hardworking, passionate, confident, and healthy. The fact that I have the opportunity to be the role model that I needed when I was younger, alongside all the other plus size titleholders across the country, is an incredible honor. Knowing that I have an opportunity to show little girls that they can compete and be successful is such a valuable piece of motivation that keeps me coming back year after year. The final part of my why, is probably the most simple; competing makes me happy. By competing, I’ve met my best friends, grown closer to my mom, started advocating for a cause that I’m passionate about, become a more confident person, and so much more. I keep competing because, despite moments of anxiety or frustration, it brings a lot of joy into my life. 

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