Thursday, September 29, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

Trust Your Journey.

With the new month coming up quickly I want to have a new mindset. For the month of October my mindset will be “And so the adventure begins……”  Let yourself have peace knowing you should let go and trust your journey. 

In the month of October you should stay patient and kind with yourself. 

Do not be so hard on yourself for feeling lost, confused, or like you have not figured out everything. You will achieve your highest and wildest dreams when the timing is right. 

Life would be boring if you have done everything and have already achieved the things you have always wanted. You have to move with grace for each season of your life that you are in. If you move quickly you will have no room to reflect or grow. Take time to slow down and enjoy the space you have created. You will never get some of these moments back.

Stay kind and true to you (:

Follow your dreams and your journey. 

-Katelyn Andrist 

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