Saturday, June 10, 2023

Farewell - A Guest Blog From Kaitlin Kerl

Photo: K. Garcia Productions
I feel like I finally got used to being Miss New Mexico and now it is time to say goodbye! That’s how it goes though right?! You have an incredible year of growth and evolution not only for yourself but with your organization, paving the way for the next young ladies. However you look back with confidence knowing how much of a difference you made and know that your legacy will live on forever! 

Going into this I never entertained thoughts of expectations. I went into it all with an open heart and mind knowing that no matter what was in store for me that it would be great. And it was… and so much more! My year was filled with so much love, support, new opportunities, and fun! I am so proud to have worked with so many incredible organizations across our state and to have represented the place I call home! Being Miss New Mexico has meant the absolute world to me. The biggest things to wanted to accomplish this year were to be a role model for young women interested in STEM, grow the Miss New Mexico Organization, and to help create opportunities for more women here in New Mexico! I have always understood my role to be greater than myself so giving back and fulfilling my goals this year was amazing. 

To my all of my Miss America Organization sisters and future sisters, we will share these unique experiences and bonds forever. Nothing about what you do is easy however, you each contribute so much to those around you. I am inspired by all the incredible things you all do and stand for as women, and it has been a true blessing getting to know you all. Keep inspiring because you never know who is looking up to you and what you do does make a difference. Take lots of pictures, go to those appearances, meet new people, and enjoy every second of this experience!

Although my reign has come to a close I am leaving with a ton of memories, lifelong friends, new opportunities, and confidence about what my next life journey will be. The Miss America Organization truly has prepared me in so many ways for the rest of my life and it is something that I will continue to make a part of my life forever. Thank you to every single person who has joined me on this extraordinary, once in a lifetime adventure. I am so proud to have been your Miss New Mexico 2022! 

-Kaitlin Kerl

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful that you became Miss New Mexico 2022 I was like you were going to win this and look you did it all by yourself


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