Thursday, January 18, 2024

"To Those Still Trapped" by Arianna Shanks-Hill

I have once again heard of more girls targeted by an abuser. More girls were now echoing the statement I’ve been making for years. I respect whatever choices these girls decide to make, as long as those choices are made in the absence of fear.

But, I think there are some things that these girls need to hear; some information only a survivor can pass on.

So, when they are ready, here is what I have to say:

I’m sorry that someone made you think violence is love. It isn’t, and there are people waiting to love you in the way you deserve.

I’m sorry that you felt that silence was safer than speaking out. If you feel like you do not have the courage to stand up and tell your story, you can borrow some of mine until you are ready. 

I'm sorry that your life was changed because of someone else’s actions. You are allowed to grieve the person you were before this, but please remember that this is not the end of your story. 

I’m sorry that the person who was supposed to love you made you afraid. You will feel safety in love & in your own skin again. 

I’m sorry that you feel like you’re broken now. There’s nothing wrong with you, and it won’t feel like this forever. There’s hope on the other side of abuse. 

I’m sorry for all of the insensitive and invasive questions that people ask you. Some of them mean well. Some of them don’t. You’ll learn the difference & you’ll decide what you’re comfortable sharing. 

I’m sorry that you flinch when someone raises their voice. Not all anger is accompanied by a fist. 

I’m sorry that you were manipulated to think that you are unworthy. You deserve the highest form of happiness and the truest form of love. Don’t stop until you find it, but do not always rely on others to give it to you. 

There is nothing you could have done to deserve abuse. There’s never an excuse to harm someone & there is no such thing as earning being harmed.

Suffering does not make you brave, and staying in a dangerous situation is not a testament to your compassion. 

It’s okay if you’re not ready yet, but please don’t spend your whole life in the dark. There is light inside you and a better world waiting. 

I love you. I’m not mad at you for not heeding my warning, or anyone else’s warnings. I know how convincing abusers are. It’s not your fault & you couldn’t have known better. 

You do not have to be afraid to come forward. You are not “ruining someone’s life”, and the only people who will ask for your silence are the ones who would benefit from it. It is not “stirring the pot” or “causing drama” to ask for justice. Their reputation is not your responsibility. 

However, you are under no obligation to come forward. Whatever brings you the most peace & puts you on the path to healing is what you should do. 

I am proud of you. Whether you tell the whole world or you never speak of it again, I am proud of you for existing & leaving and choosing a better life. 

You are not alone. I will stand with you and hold your hand until you feel like you can stand for yourself. I will support you and fight for you and carry you with me as long as you need. 

You have so many people who are here to support you, and it’s okay to let them in. You’re not a burden for needing to lean on people 

Prepare yourself for the reactions that the world will have. Remind yourself that you are not bound to the judgements and perceptions of others. Remind yourself that you are more than a negative comment or a snide remark. Remind yourself that you are worth the fight. 

Some people will love you no matter what you do, and some people will never love you no matter what you do. Go where the love is. Anyone who will not stand by you through this is not someone you want by your side at all. 

You are strong in spite of your abuser, not because of them. You do not have to be grateful that it happened in order to celebrate the person you are becoming. 

You are allowed to be angry, or sad, or upset, or even bitter. Anger is your friend & it wants you to know that you have been mistreated. Just remember that we are not meant to wear anger like a second skin; eventually you have to take it off, and set it down, and figure out what your life looks out without it. 

Forgive yourself for not knowing better until you knew better. Forgive yourself for the habits and traits you picked up during trauma. Forgive yourself for fighting back, or for not fighting back. You cannot shame yourself into healing you can only love yourself into evolving.

All of this is to say that I care about survivors in a way that I wish someone had cared for me. I know from experience what it feels like to be in a position where you’re turning over every stone looking for answers. I know how it feels to wish that someone would tell you what you’re supposed to do, what your life is supposed to look like now. There are plans for what happens if you’re in an abusive relationship. There’s plans for how to get you out. There’s no tangible plan for “after” abuse. So with that in mind, this is what I’ll close with: 

I know in my soul that you are brave enough to walk into the unknown and discover what your life looks like now. It’s going to look different, and that’s okay. I’m here if you need me, or if you need a cheering section, or if you just want to tell someone your story. You will only ever have my utmost admiration, never my pity. I created The Gabby Project for me, but I also created it for you. I’m behind you, and the community that surrounds TGP is behind you regardless of how you choose to move forward.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Embracing Change: Miss Luzerne County Shakira Jackson's Mission to Elevate Civic Engagement in Northeastern PA

(Luzerne County, PA) In the heart of Northeastern Pennsylvania, a beacon of change has emerged, and her name is Miss Luzerne County, Shakira Jackson. Recently adorned with this prestigious title, Shakira brings not only a fresh perspective but also a wealth of knowledge and dedication to her community. Notably, she has recently earned her Masters degree from Georgetown University, a testament to her commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement.

Shakira's educational journey has equipped her with valuable insights that she now channels into her mission for increased civic engagement. Her academic achievements, combined with her grassroots community involvement, form a powerful combination that positions her as a leader poised to make a lasting impact on Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Beyond her academic accolades, Shakira's commitment to civic engagement extends to the establishment of her nonprofit organization, "Uniquely Engaged Citizen." This innovative initiative reflects her vision for a more inclusive political landscape, one where the voices of the younger generation, often underrepresented, can be heard loud and clear.

"Uniquely Engaged Citizen" focuses on finding funding for Gen Z candidates aspiring to run for public office. Recognizing the unique perspectives and fresh ideas that young individuals bring to the table, Shakira aims to break down financial barriers that often hinder their political aspirations. By providing support and resources, her nonprofit aims to empower a new generation of leaders who are passionate about making positive changes in their communities.

As Miss Luzerne County, Shakira envisions leveraging her title and nonprofit to create a synergistic approach towards civic engagement. Through partnerships with educational institutions, local businesses, and community organizations, she plans to amplify the impact of "Uniquely Engaged Citizen" and promote the importance of active participation in the political process.

Shakira's dual role as an educated professional and a grassroots community advocate positions her as a dynamic force for positive change. With her newfound title, advanced degree, and nonprofit venture, she seeks to inspire not only the residents of Luzerne County but also the entire commonwealth of Pennsylvania to embrace civic engagement as a collective responsibility.

Congratulations, Miss Luzerne County Shakira Jackson, on your well-deserved title and the establishment of "Uniquely Engaged Citizen." As you continue to lead by example, Northeastern Pennsylvania looks forward to a future where civic engagement thrives, and the voices of all, regardless of age, background, or circumstance, contribute to the vibrant tapestry of community growth and progress.

May 2024 bring you success and prosperity, along with a wealth of good fortune in your journey at Miss Pennsylvania.


I can't thank Shakira enough for sharing thisg. You can learn more about her by checking out her interview with us on Section 36.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year from Section 36 Forevers!

Looking back on 2023, I'm thrilled with the content and progress of this here blog and could not be more excited about the future. 2022 saw a continuation of the refocus of the blog, and I was really able to grab onto that in 2023, by focusing on the titleholders and really creating a lifestyle blog where titleholders could share their stories.

I constantly honored to be allowed to share so many guest blogs. It's such an important part of what I'm doing here with the "for titleholders by titleholders" sort of feel. It's so wonderful to share the thoughts and views from so many different places.

With the discussion of blogs, I need to give a speical shoutout to Arianna Shanks-Hill. Her powerful series on domestic violence is definitely a must read. This year also included several more from Katelyn Andrist. Her continuing "Committing to Confidence" guest blog series has been a great way to see her expand on her CSI. We've been able to reach so many people together, and I can wait to have that series continue. Hannah Roque was also kind enough to submit multiple post for us this year, which I certainly hope continues.

Beyond that, I was able to share a few "Farewell" blogs from titleholders turning over their crowns, reflections on Miss America Journeys, at appearances, and deep dives into SIIs. It's been so much fun to share so many amazing posts. (Interested in writing one of your own? Feel free to reach out.)

And don't forget the Section 36 store! I love seeing titleholders showing off their favorite merch! Do you have any yet?

There has also been a social media growth! As I hope you're aware, the Section 36 Forevers social media presence is out there. How? I'm glad you asked!
Instagram is probably the place I’ve seen the most movement in the past year. It’s been great connecting with fans and visitors through that site. I use that account to post any and all pictures that have been submitted by my interview guests. Maybe they were pictures that went along with their interviews, or extras that couldn’t fit with the interview. Or, they’re pictures that have been submitted after visiting. Whatever the case, I post them and use them to remind people of their visit. It’s fun because it adds a lot of different content to the feed. That account had a big 2023! 

Facebook provides fun opportunities. It posts links to titleholder interviews, as well as any pictures former visitors have submitted. It has also started posting pictures of any titleholders with Section 36 gear, whether they’ve visited or not. The number of people who like that page continued to grow in 2023.

With all those ways to connect with Section 36 Forevers, there should be plenty of ways to share the amazing things my visitors are doing. I can't want to bring that to a much larger scale.

It’ll be a lot of fun. I hope you'll come along for the ride! 

And I hope you'll consider a guest blog!

Dear Younger Self: A Letter of Reflection and Hope

By Jenna Nickles Dear Younger Self, As I look back on my journey, I feel the need to reach out to the younger version of myself who faced th...