Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 In Review: Status of the Blog

So, I've already discussed some of the highlights in social media areas enjoyed by Section 36 Forevers in 2024. But, what about just generally? How did the blog perform in 2024 at just being a blog? How did I do as a blogger? Did I help titleholders share their stories? Was this a place where people can learn abot the amazing things they're up to?

In 2024 this will be my 25th post, down a bit from last year. But, still solid at a post every couple weeks. This year I also focused a lot more on posting titleholder guest blogs without adding my own fluff posts in-between. Hopefully that allowed the titleholders to shine!

I am constantly honored to be allowed to share so many guest blogs. It's such an important part of what I'm doing here with the "for titleholders by titleholders" sort of feel. It's so wonderful to share the thoughts and views from so many different places.
With the discussion of blogs, I need to once again give a speical shoutout to Arianna Shanks-Hill. Her powerful blogs on domestic violence are always a must read. Also, a huge shoutout to newcomer Hannah Karki. She has already sbmitted several blogs, and I can't wait to hear more from her. She joined quite a long list of first-time guest bloggers in 2024, which is incredible to see. There have been posts remembering Miss America, reflecting on a titleholder's reign, introducing business ventures, discussing CSIs, and so...much...more. Can't wait to see these posts grow in 2025. If you'd like to write a titleholder guest blog of your own, on almost any topic, please reach out!

And don't forget the Section 36 store! I love seeing titleholders showing off their favorite merch! Do you have any yet?

Looking back on 2024, I'm thrilled with the content and progress of this here blog and could not be more excited about the future. The blog had that rebrand a couple years ago, and I was really able to grab onto that in 2024, by focusing on the titleholders and really creating a lifestyle blog where titleholders could share their stories.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog in 2024 as much as I did putting it out there for you.

I hope you'll enjoy 2025 just as much.

And I hope you'll consider writing a guest blog!

Monday, December 30, 2024

2024 Year in Review: Social Media

If the goal of this blog is to help promote the amazing female artists in the New England area, it really can't be just a blog. To reach a larger audience, to tell more people about these amazing artists, I need to be in more places.

Enter Social Media.

I need to be where the people are. And they all seem to be there. So, where, exactly, can you find me? I'm glad you asked...

Instagram is probably the place I’ve seen the most movement in the past year. It’s been great connecting with titleholders and visitors through that site. I use that account to post any and all pictures that have been submitted by my guest bloggers and interview guests. Maybe they were pictures that went along with their blogs, or extras that couldn’t fit with the blog. Or, they’re pictures that have been submitted afterwards. Whatever the case, I post them and use them to remind people of their contribution. It’s fun because it adds a lot of different content to the feed. That account had a big 2024 as it crossed the magical 2000 follower mark! 

Facebook provides fun opportunities. It posts links to titleholder guest blogs and interviews, as well as any pictures Forevers have submitted. It has also started posting pictures of any titleholders with Section 36 gear, whether they’ve contributed or not. The number of people who like that page continued to grow in 2024.

While Twitter was once a mainstay, that is no longer the case. Sure, blogs are sometimes automatically shared to X (bleh) because it's so easy to do. But, I don't remember the last time I posted there.

I have made the switch, like many others to BlueSky. While I haven't built up my following there, It's a work in progress. One thing that makes it different, is that there's only one account for all of the Section 36 Suite. So, sports, sportscards, lifestyle, music, etc all in one place. Something for everyone, if you will.

Section 36 Forevers also has a presence TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. Although TikTok is the only one I've used with any frequency lately. Much like BlueSky, those are all one account for the entire Suite.

With all those ways to connect with Section 36 Forevers, there should be plenty of ways to share the amazing things my visitors are doing. I can't want to bring that to a much larger scale.

Friday, December 27, 2024

“The Fire Within You” Book Launch Inspires Self-Acceptance and Anti-Bullying Advocacy

In a powerful new release, The Fire Within You, author Hannah Karki offers an inspiring message of self-empowerment, anti-bullying activism, and unapologetic self-love. The book, which is now available for purchase, encourages readers of all ages to embrace their unique identities, stand tall against bullying, and recognize the power that lies within their true selves.

The Fire Within You delivers a timely and impactful narrative, combining personal stories, motivational insights, and practical advice. With a focus on overcoming adversity, it highlights how bullying can affect individuals mentally and emotionally, while also offering a roadmap to healing and self-pride. The book emphasizes that everyone has an inner fire—an innate strength that can overcome even the harshest of challenges.

“I wrote The Fire Within You as a reminder that no one should ever dim their light to fit in. We all face struggles, but by embracing who we are, we can find the courage to rise above and stand strong against bullying,” says Hannah Karki. “This book is for anyone who has ever been made to feel small, who has ever questioned their worth, or who has ever been told they don’t belong. The truth is, we all belong, and we all have an incredible light to share with the world.”

The Book’s Key Themes Include:

    Anti-Bullying: How to identify bullying, cope with its effects, and advocate for change in communities and schools.

    Self-Identity and Pride: A call for embracing one’s true self, regardless of societal pressures or expectations.

    Resilience and Empowerment: Stories of overcoming adversity, with practical tips for building inner strength and confidence.

    Inspiring Change: Encouraging readers to be allies in the fight against bullying, fostering kindness, empathy, and inclusion.

About the Author:
Hannah Karki is an advocate for mental health, self-empowerment, and bullying prevention. She is also the reigning Teen Petite USA, a national title, with other achievements like winning Teen New England Petite and running a mental health non-profit, SafeSpaceSuicidePrevention, which she started when she was 14. With a background in special education, music education, and psychology, which she is taking at the University of Vermont, she has dedicated her life to spreading messages of hope and resilience. Through writing, speaking engagements, and workshops,  Hannah aims to inspire individuals of all ages to rise above adversity and confidently embrace their unique selves.

For more information about The Fire Within You, or to schedule an interview with Hannah Karki, please contact:

Email: hannahmkarki@gmail.com
Social Media: hannah.karki, teenpetiteusaofficial, teenewenglandpetite on instagram and Hannah Karki on Facebook

About the Book:

The Fire Within You is now available for purchase through major booksellers and online platforms. Join the movement to empower yourself and others, and help bring an end to bullying with one powerful story at a time.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Happy Festivus!

That’s right, today’s the day! As you can see, I’ve set out my aluminum pole and am ready for the festivities to begin!

While it’s kinda hard to do feats of strength on a blog, we can certainly air some grievances! I’ve even started with the first one. I would definitely rather be in Section 36 right now!

Now it’s your turn. I’m taking this opportunity to allow you to air your blog-related grievances! That’s right. Leave a comment telling me things you don’t like about the blog and its content!

Is the font too small? Too big? Are the sidebars too plain? Too cluttered? Do I write about a topic too much? Do you wish I wrote about a topic more? At all? All with no hard feelings on my part. This is your chance!

I know. Allowing the internet to complain about you can be scary. But, maybe I’ll be able to respond to the grievances and make the blog better for everyone!

One thing by way of rules, this is Section 36 asking for grievances. So, keep them to things about the blog and its content...not blog post subjects. So if you want to complain and say there are too many days without posts, or too few, that’s fine. If you complain and tell me a guest blogger sucked, that’s not fine and I'll delete your comment. That’s not what I’m going for.

Sound reasonable? Ok then. Let’s hear it.

What are your Section 36 related grievances?

Thursday, December 19, 2024

My First 24 Hours

By Hannah Karki

Hi guys, know you missed me, and welcome back to another blog post. If you don’t already know me, I am Hannah Karki, a local Vermonter studying music education with a double minor of psychology and special education at the University of Vermont, and I am also your reigning Teen Petite USA and former Teen New England Petite. 

Today, I would like to talk to you about the emotions behind winning and what my life looked like after I won in that 24 hour period.

I’m going to be completely honest, winning is a blur. I can remember placing Top 5 and almost falling over from pride and excitement. I remember waiting to be called as a runner up, and not hearing my name, but everytime one was called I would move, since I am so used to being one from my past. 

I remember being shocked not placing third, and standing in the center of the stage and thinking to myself, what is happening. My interview was a blur, it felt like my on stage question just came out with no thoughts, and I was quite lost for words at this point. I was already crying because I was proud of getting to the place I was. 

I think I almost fell over when I was called the winner. One, I was telling the girl in front of me it was all her, ready to take the 1st runner up with pride. Two, I was on so much caffeine my body just gave in since I didn’t sleep at all. And three, I saw my favorite girl, Cassie, sobbing in the crowd when I won. 

I remember standing there, holding her hands, and thinking about how far I had come from the beginning of this journey. 

4 years ago, 14 year old Hannah didn’t even know what mascara was, let alone how to walk in 6 inch heels, what an evening gown was, or how to straighten my hair. I competed in my first pageant with no experience, a dress I was borrowing from a former queen, and heels I didn’t know how to correctly walk in. I remember practically running across the stage, so fast that they couldn’t even photograph me correctly. I remember looking back at the photos and my family telling me how fast I walked. 

Over the next year, I found a coach, grounded my interview skills, and suddenly got bangs, which I highly don’t recommend. I found my purpose, which was my platform, Safespace, and expanded my knowledge of cosmetic artistry, as well as my walking skills and style choices. 

In 2022, I placed 3rd place, my first ever placement in a pageant. I felt so accomplished that all my hard work had finally brought me to a place where my work was being seen and understood. I quickly rebounded, and got ready to compete again in November of 2022, where I placed 2nd place in my third pageant. 

All of these moments created the woman who was standing in the top two, with all of the younger versions of herself cheering her on. We had outdone what our younger self could have dreamed of. Winning New England was enough in itself. I never thought I could win a national pageant as a 5 foot 2 woman of color. All the battles the younger version of me went through felt final when I didn’t hear my name as first runner up. 

I remember looking around and screaming. I saw my pageant Mom, Cassie, practically flop over in her seat, my director Leah sobbing, and my family all crying. I remember looking around and thinking, this can’t be real, I am going to wake up in a minute and it will be finals day all over again. I remember Faith Claire, the previous Teen Petite USA, telling me to squat down so she could crown me because I had no idea what to do. I remember grabbing Kira, the Miss Petite USA’s hand while I was being crowned because I couldn’t stop shaking and flailing around. 

As they snapped photos of me, I remember hearing, “Take your first walk”’, which turned more into a hobble across the stage because I had cried so much I couldn't see the stage in front of me. 

Then, I was sent backstage to get my hair and makeup touched up. I remember I kept crying in between them fixing my face. I was put back on stage to meet my new sisters, Angelica, Victoria, Lafaye, and Amy Jo. I remember thinking about smacking myself because it still didn’t feel real. I had the worst headache imaginable, and I remember looking at the judges and mouthing, thank you. 

We took our official crowning photos and top 5 photos on the stage, and I remember immediately jumping off the stage in my 6 inch heels,(don't try this at home), and hugging Cassie and my family. I remember taking photos with my New England Petite family, and then top 5 photos. 

Then, we were all taken to get our official photos done. I remember when I was waiting for my hair and makeup, I had 6 zillion texts from all different social media apps, I had to stop notifications on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and even Messenger. I kept my text messages on, and I am grateful I did. I remember seeing a text pop up from my best friend, and it was a video of four of my close friends watching my win. They all started jumping up and down and screaming. I remember I started to sob, (this was the 14th time of the night), and my makeup and hair artist gave me a minute to breathe because I was so grateful for the relationships I had made. 

I remember sitting there, and thinking this was all a dream. We had our hair and makeup done by the amazing Just Right Cosmetics, and our photos taken by the incredible Magic Dreams Productions, or Matty. I felt like I was walking on a cloud, wearing the crown and the sash felt like a daydream I was going to wake up from. I remember taking the crown and sash shots and the group shots and wondering how a 12 year old me would feel if I told her we would become a national titleholder one day, inspiring the next generation of petite women that being who you are is all you need to succeed. 

I remember trying to go to sleep after I won, at 1 am, knowing I had to wake up in a few hours to catch my flight to go home. I couldn’t stop thinking about how this is what I have been waiting for. I remember thinking how I would have missed all of this journey if I had followed through with my attempt when I was 12 years old. 

This journey has truly made me feel like I have a purpose. I think that was the thing I struggled with years ago. Knowing that I had a place on this Earth, with a plan to succeed in being who I was. I spent too much time trying to fulfill everyone else’s dreams for me, when I didn’t know what I truly wanted to do with my life. Now, I know that I want to be a positive figure for humans across the world, showing that their battle with mental health doesn't have to define who they are, and that their beginning to themselves is just starting, as well as inspiring young women of color to follow what their heart truly desires. If you got it, you got it. 

All in all, your journey is something to be proud of, even if you feel embarrassed by it. You don’t know who is struggling around you, and how your story could affect others watching you. Every single person on this Earth has an experience, talent, or expertise that makes them important, no matter if they know it or not. 

Never doubt yourself, because you are going in the right direction, I promise. Keep fighting for you and who you are always. 

If you haven’t told someone how important they are to you today, go tell them! 

With love and gratitude always,
Your friend,
Hannah Karki
Teen Petite USA and Teen New England Petite USA 2024

Photo Credits: Matty Jacobson, Slay Your Moment Photography


Hannah Karki is the current Miss Teen Petite USA. Follow her on her title's Instagram and website

Follow the link for her other Section 36 Forevers Guest Blogs.

Dear Younger Self: A Letter of Reflection and Hope

By Jenna Nickles Dear Younger Self, As I look back on my journey, I feel the need to reach out to the younger version of myself who faced th...