Friday, January 17, 2025

Miss America Memories

By Karrina Ferris

[On Instagram, I asked what questions people would ask a Miss America candidate. Several wonderful questions were submitted. Karrina Ferris, Miss Nevada 2024, was kind enough to take a crack at answering them for us. -S36F]

Did you have a favorite fan/friend/family encounter of the week?
My favorite family encounter was the first night of visitation. As I walked in the room, all of my friends and family, which was a group of 35 people, cheered so loudly and made me feel so loved. I am really close with my mom so I was very excited to see and hug her. Having so many people there to support me really meant the world to me. 

How did you select your gown?
I selected my gown in August, when I went to Atlanta Market with my incredible sponsor, Dalia with Viper Apparel (located in Bridgeport, MI). I chose to design my gown with Sherri Hill, as she has always been my favorite designer. I actually met Sherri Hill when I was 10 at the Miss America Trade Show in 2013. When I was selecting my gown, I showed her the photos of us from 2013 which was such a special moment to share with her. She truly helped me feel so confident when choosing my Miss America gown and I couldn’t have been happier with my selection. 

What was your favorite part of the whole process?

My favorite part of the process was actually Miss Prelim night. I think that evening is when it hit me that I was competing for Miss America. Introducing myself onstage, and seeing my family in the audience (as they were holding light up signs that spelled Nevada), was an incredible feeling. Prelims were so fast moving and had such a high energy to them. It was such a fun night. 

What moment were you most proud of?

I felt the proudest after my interview. I love the interview process and loved the conversation that I had with our judges. We focused a lot on my CSI work with Inform To Reform, which I care so deeply about. Being able to fully dive into that work and really showcase it to the judges was a very proud moment for me. I also was asked a lot of political questions, which I loved! My favorite question was “What do you think should be changed about our political system?” I spoke about how I would love to see change with our campaign financing system. I also spoke about how I believe that billionaires have far too much say in our legislative process, and that it needs to be stopped as soon as possible. 

What kept you grounded during the week?

I kept grounded by listening to my favorite music throughout the week. Whenever I felt nervous or stressed, the Wicked and Hamilton playlists were my go-to’s. 

What was your favorite non-competition event?

My favorite non-competition event was the luau! It was such a fun experience and the performers were amazing. One of them was a fire performer, which was so cool to see in person. I really enjoyed getting to relax, eat some great food, and just spend time with the other girls. I also loved seeing everyone’s style and creativity with their outfits for the luau! 

Overall, my experience at Miss America was great. I had been dreaming and working towards becoming Miss Nevada for many years, so finally being able to compete with Nevada across my chest was a surreal moment. I am so thankful that my hard work paid off and that I was able to have this experience.


Karrina Ferris is the current Miss Nevada. You can find her on her title's Instagram and/or her personal Instagram

To learn more about Karrina, feel free to check out her Interview with Section 36.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

21 things I learned by 21

By Arianna Shanks-Hill

In the month of December I celebrated my 21st birthday. The night before, I sat down with my journal and I wrote about all the things I was grateful for: all the things that made the first 21 years of my life remarkable. Then, I thought about all of the not so great things I experienced that taught me some extremely valuable lessons. I decided to write some of those down as well, because there are no amazing highs without the accompanying lows (which arguably stand to teach us the most about ourselves). As I sat and wrote these lessons down it occurred to me that some of them would have been very helpful to have at an earlier time in my life, and most of them I'm still working on mastering. So, whether you find something you needed to hear or are reminded of an important lesson you learned in your own life, here it is:

21 things I learned by 21…

  1. Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business

  2. You are destroying your own peace by responding to everything. Not everything deserves your time or attention

  3. It is always better to try and fail than not try at all. 

  4. There is no such thing as “the right time” there is only time and what you choose to do with it

  5. You are entirely up to you. No one else's actions will ever define you

  6. Someone else’s qualifications do not take away from yours. Have faith in what makes you, you

  7. There is always room for more people at the table. Don’t be afraid to support and uplift others on your way to achieving your goals

  8. Embarrassment is subjective; its only embarrassing if you let it be

  9. The only person who is coming to save you is yourself

  10. If outside validation is your only form of nourishment then you will be hungry for the rest of your life. Fill your own cup

  11. Do not let the things that have happened to you turn you into a person you are not

  12. The universe will keep sending you the same lesson until you learn it; whatever you are not changing you are choosing

  13. Whatever it is, do it scared. The time will pass anyway

  14. It is literally impossible to miss out on what is meant for you

  15. the way people treat you says more about them than it does about you; forgiveness says more about you than it does about them

  16. If you are only focusing on what you don't have, you will never be satisfied. Be grateful and count your blessings and your blessings will never run out

  17. Suffering does not make you brave

  18. To love and be loved is rest

  19. Some people will love you no matter what you do, and some people will never love you no matter what you do. Go where the love is

  20. Do not borrow grief from the future. Let today be today and tomorrow be tomorrow

  21. Love comes from so many places other than just romantic relationships. There is never a replacement for true, genuine friendship


Arianna Shanks-Hill is the current Miss Tippecanoe (Indiana). You can find her on her title's Instagram and/or her personal Instagram. She is also frequent and valued contributor to Section 36 Forevers. 

To learn more about Arianna, feel free to check out her Interview with Section 36.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Finding Purpose in Unpredictable Places

By Isabella Williams 

Three days into a four-week journey around the world, I found myself restless. Without chickens to tuck in at night, sisters to cook dinner for, or a garden to tend, a strange boredom set in. I had set out on this trip to challenge myself—to adapt to new places on my own—but I felt unmoored.

Scrolling through Instagram, I searched for “female entrepreneurs in Cape Town, South Africa.” Profiles of fascinating women filled my screen. On a whim, I messaged a handful of them, introducing myself and my Strong Girls platform. The plan was to interview strong women for my own social media.


Ding. My first reply came from Ncumisa, a farmer in a small town outside the city. A few days later, she arrived at my apartment, stepping gracefully out of an Uber in a sundress with immaculate nails—far from the image of a typical farmer I’d imagined.

Over tea, she shared her story. During the pandemic, a famine hit. Her small town had been on the brink of a food disaster. Determined to make a difference, she began teaching gardening classes and farming livestock to support her community. Her resilience and vision struck a chord with me, and our conversation spilled beyond the interview.

“I’d love for you to visit my town,” she said warmly as she left.

The next day, dressed in my own sundress, I stepped into an Uber and ventured further and further out of the city. The buildings gave way to rolling pastures, dotted with sheds and grazing animals. 

When I arrived, Ncumisa had prepared a feast. A local restaurant that sourced its meat from her farm had outdone itself: roasted tomatoes, seasoned potatoes, tender meats, and more. After our meal, we sat talking, but a nearby table caught her eye—a group of men and women waved her over.

“Incredible meat, Ncumisa! You’re truly talented,” one of the
men said warmly. As we joined their table, they explained they were brainstorming ways to address a pressing issue: the lack of access to sanitary pads in their community.

“This means girls often miss a week of school each month,” one of them explained gravely.

I glanced around at the group of men, imagining their awkward attempts to explain menstruation to middle schoolers. The thought made me smile.

“I’ll do it!” I blurted out.

“You’ll do it?” they asked, surprised.

“Yes, I’ll give the talk to the girls—and help distribute supplies.”

For the next three weeks, every morning, this incredible group picked me up. Together, we traveled across six provinces in the Western Cape, donating over 800 sanitary pads and water bottles. We visited schools, shared stories, and gave talks that encouraged young girls to embrace their power and potential.

This unexpected journey wasn’t just about giving—it was about finding something I didn’t know I was searching for. In an unfamiliar town, among strangers turned allies, I discovered a profound sense of purpose. 


Isabella Williams is the current Miss Lake Champlain (Vermont). You can find her on her title's Instagram and/or her personal Instagram. She is the author of several books, and the illustrator of the recent release The Fire Within You

To learn more about Isabella, feel free to check out her Interview with Section 36.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Importance of Being Safe Online

 By Kailee Boyle

The importance of safe social media practice starts with understanding that victims can be found in any part of the world. My first time using social media was in 2019 when I felt my most curious about the virtual world. I didn’t know that danger was less than a mile away from my house and that is how I got involved with “H”. “H” found me on Snapchat’s Quick Adds and I was drawn to the attention he gave me. He asked for my age (at the time, I was 12) and he told me he was 18. When we first started talking, he sounded like he could be my new best friend, but I quickly found that he had different interests. A few weeks after we started talking, my parents found text messages that were inappropriate for any young child to receive, and a police investigation started. By mid-2020, “H” was arrested for Online Solicitation of a Minor.

Since 2020, the court process had been slow to determine if “H” was guilty of any wrongdoing. I attended counseling sessions to help me cope with the situation and now understand that what happened wasn’t okay and that the things he said and did were unacceptable for his age. All the while, I learned not to blame myself for his wrongdoing because he was an adult, not me. As a victim, I have been given a stronger voice to know when something is consensual, and “H” does not have power over me. After 5 long years of what it felt, I finally gained justice. We attended court and without me knowing who he was I ended up sitting in the row behind him. When I realized that was him a blood rush of emotions ran through my body. Watching the person who has made me a victim, and left me with trauma plead guilty, it felt like a weight off of my shoulders. I was so glad that the lengthy investigation process was over. The person who brought me emotion and physiological issues such as Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma was finally getting what he deserved. It took me 3 years of self-reflection and counseling to understand what happened wasn’t my fault and my mission is to prevent other children from feeling like they are stuck in a tunnel. Even though victims just want the process to end, it feels like the light at the end of the tunnel never comes until one day, it does.

What I’ve learned is that once the damage is done, there’s no taking it back and actions require consequences on both sides of the courtroom. As a victim, I must relive my 5-year-old experience each time I speak about it. I want to be the voice for teens on safe social media practice, where I will educate them on the dangers of online solicitation and help them find their voices to speak up and say no to those who may be a predator just waiting for their next victim.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent becoming a victim of online solicitation.

1. Be cautious of who you are friending on any social media site.
2. If someone becomes suspicious or strange to you then remove them immediately and block them from all platforms.
3. If you are receiving inappropriate messages, images, etc then tell an adult right away.
4. It is best to keep your social media accounts private.


Kailee Boyle is the current Miss West Texas' Teen, and this post is part of her CSI. You can find her on her title's Instagram.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Six Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Pageantry

 By Isabella Williams 

  1. The Sisterhood Is Real
    Forget the stereotypes! In a world of glitz, judges, fees, and unspoken rules, your fellow contestants can become your greatest allies. Sure, it’s easy to think of everyone as competition, but the truth is, only one person will take home the crown. The experience is about so much more than winning—it's about growing as a person. You’ll walk away with gifts like new friends, improved communication skills, marketing know-how, and a network of inspiring people.

  2. Social Media is Your Secret Weapon
    Think of your social media as your personal billboard! What do you want the world to know about you? Use it to showcase your passions, your journey, and your sparkle. It’s like having an extra stage to shine on—and the best part? It’s all about YOU!

  3. Comfortable Shoes Can Be a Game-Changer
    No matter how stunning your walk is, the wrong pair of shoes can ruin it. Blisters or painful heels will make it obvious you’re uncomfortable on stage. Invest in a pair of killer but comfy heels, and your body language will scream confidence and ease. Trust me, comfort wins crowns!

  4. Fundraising is Your Friend
    If you need to raise money for your pageant journey or a cause, social media is your best ally. Offer local businesses a donation tax slip and a shoutout on your social platforms—it’s a win-win! And when it comes to saving money, learn to do your own hair and makeup. Mastering these skills not only saves cash but ensures you look flawless on your own terms.

  5. Competition Week = No Sleep Club
    Prepare yourself for sleepless nights! The adrenaline, excitement, and nerves are a natural part of the experience. Start building a self-care routine beforehand to manage the chaos. Rest when you can, hydrate, and find ways to calm your mind so you’re ready to shine under the spotlight.

  6. Bring Your Authentic Self
    Judges aren’t just looking for perfection—they’re looking for personality! Don’t be afraid to let your unique quirks and charisma shine through. Whether it’s in your interviews, your walk, or your social media, authenticity is what makes you unforgettable. The crown may sparkle, but it’s your real self that truly shines!


Isabella Williams is the current Miss Lake Champlain (Vermont). You can find her on her title's Instagram and/or her personal Instagram. She is the author of several books, and the illustrator of the recent release The Fire Within You.

To learn more about Isabella, feel free to check out her Interview with Section 36.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

I Hereby Resolve...

Typically, the end of the year is a time for people to reflect on their life, and to make any changes they see the need for. Why do it for the first of the year? No particular reason. Although, I suppose, a July 2 Resolution doesn’t have the same ring to it. A New Year’s Resolution also has the added benefit of only occurring once a year. If you make a New Month Resolution, and fail after three days…you have some obligation to make the same resolution the next month. If you make a resolution on January 1, but flop by January 2, you can wait an entire year before you have to try and make yourself a better person. That’s a handy feature. People also find it nicer to write these resolutions down. Anything written down automatically has more weight. After all, if you take the time to type it out and share it with others, it must be important. Plus, anyone why knows about your resolution will obviously shun you if you don’t stick to it. If you make a resolution in silence, it’s pretty easy to ignore it. Of course, that presumes that anyone is listening, or cares enough to hold you to it. That’s probably not the case here. But, what else am I going to write about on January 1st? 

My main resolution really requires you to all help along. I really want to be able to share more guest blogs from all of you in 2025. While the writing and sending part depends on you, there are some things I can do to help you along with that.

I want to work on making this a place where you're more likely to want to write a blog for. Starting with viewership. I want to make a dedicated effort to make sure as many eyes as possible are on your posts when you write them. Whether that's with promotion or persistence, I need to get moving. The Instagram account passing 2000 followers is a result of similar efforts on that front. I'd like to do similar things here.

I also want to be more visible elsewhere in the titleholder landscape. Whether that's following and commenting on social media, or reading and commenting on websites and blogs, or whatever else it may be. Part of that is, simply, those things are worthy of my support. The other part is just making Section 36 Forevers more of a community that you'll love being a part of. Feel free to offer suggestions on that front and ways I can support you.

So, there we go. Things I want to try and do in the coming year. If you care, feel free to try and keep me honest. Mocking comments if I’m going astray are encouraged. Or, help me out by contributing to the resolutions. Or both. Or, ignore it all completely. Your call.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 In Review: Status of the Blog

So, I've already discussed some of the highlights in social media areas enjoyed by Section 36 Forevers in 2024. But, what about just generally? How did the blog perform in 2024 at just being a blog? How did I do as a blogger? Did I help titleholders share their stories? Was this a place where people can learn abot the amazing things they're up to?

In 2024 this will be my 25th post, down a bit from last year. But, still solid at a post every couple weeks. This year I also focused a lot more on posting titleholder guest blogs without adding my own fluff posts in-between. Hopefully that allowed the titleholders to shine!

I am constantly honored to be allowed to share so many guest blogs. It's such an important part of what I'm doing here with the "for titleholders by titleholders" sort of feel. It's so wonderful to share the thoughts and views from so many different places.
With the discussion of blogs, I need to once again give a speical shoutout to Arianna Shanks-Hill. Her powerful blogs on domestic violence are always a must read. Also, a huge shoutout to newcomer Hannah Karki. She has already sbmitted several blogs, and I can't wait to hear more from her. She joined quite a long list of first-time guest bloggers in 2024, which is incredible to see. There have been posts remembering Miss America, reflecting on a titleholder's reign, introducing business ventures, discussing CSIs, and so...much...more. Can't wait to see these posts grow in 2025. If you'd like to write a titleholder guest blog of your own, on almost any topic, please reach out!

And don't forget the Section 36 store! I love seeing titleholders showing off their favorite merch! Do you have any yet?

Looking back on 2024, I'm thrilled with the content and progress of this here blog and could not be more excited about the future. The blog had that rebrand a couple years ago, and I was really able to grab onto that in 2024, by focusing on the titleholders and really creating a lifestyle blog where titleholders could share their stories.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog in 2024 as much as I did putting it out there for you.

I hope you'll enjoy 2025 just as much.

And I hope you'll consider writing a guest blog!

Miss America Memories

By  Karrina Ferris [On Instagram, I asked what questions people would ask a Miss America candidate. Several wonderful questions were submitt...