Thursday, February 24, 2022

To the Person who Hasn’t Been Themselves Lately - a Guest Blog by Katelyn Andrist

This is a guest blog from Katelyn Andrist, embracing her SII: Commit to Confidence: Envisioning A More Confident You! I hope you enjoy it.

“Until you step into the unknown, you don’t know what you’re made of.” - unknown

Dear person who hasn’t been themselves lately,

Your spark will return and you will shine bright just like you were meant to be. I understand life is draining and can be a lot to handle sometimes. You  are strong and these tough times are testing you to become a stronger person. You may feel lost, confused and not you.... it’s okay. Honestly it’s okay to lose yourself because you will find yourself one day again. You will find love, faith, hope and so much more. You will find the best version of yourself. Good things take time (: Your day is coming soon and your light will shine though. What you are feeling right now will pass because it’s just a phase. Phases will pass, they do not last forever. What does last forever is you. Focus and love you. The day you realize how much you have grown and healed is the day you have found yourself. I understand completely it is so hard and painful to look in the mirror and not recognize the face staring back at you. I see and feel your pain. I understand what it is to be lost, confused and honestly give up hope. 

You must remember and keep telling yourself “my day is coming”. The days of the smallest things making you smile and laugh uncontrollably. The day when you can’t stop loving yourself and others. The day where everything falls into place. To make a masterpiece you must fail again and again until it’s beautiful. I promise you will have new friends, people, adventures, love and more(: What is meant to be will be. God knows what you need. This world can be an ugly place and it’s up to you to find the beauty every single day.. trust me it’s hard I understand. I find myself struggling every single day. You are not alone. We all put on a face for others but sometimes it’s just too much. Stop trying to impress and beg for people. if they can’t see your worth from day one then they don’t deserve you. Times like this change us for the better. Everyday we are growing and healing. Your happiness will return. You will return a better person. This phase is almost over. You are enough. You are loved. You are not lost but on a journey.

-Katelyn Andrist, Miss Walnut Valley 

I want to thank Katelyn for sharing this story. 

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