Thursday, July 7, 2022

Committing to Confidence - a Guest Blog Series by Katelyn Andrist

This is a guest blog from Katelyn Andrist, embracing her SII: Commit to Confidence: Envisioning A More Confident You! I hope you enjoy it.

Mindset : Noun

The driving force in the quest for success and achievement.

A mindset that combines discipline, strength, confidence, and ambition is a powerful mindset. This can achieve anything it sets its sights on. 

You have the power to create your mindset in life. Your mindset will allow yourself to set free and explore this world with no regrets. The mind is a powerful tool which can create a healthy happiness which depends on your mindset and attitude. Please remember, “The mind is like a muscle-the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand. The mind has a powerful way of attracting things that are in harmony with it, good and bad.”- unknow 

Let this be a new start for you and your mindset. Once you create the mindset you want you will have full control of your life. This is one of the things you can control. Start believing you deserve better because once you believe it… you will attract it! 

Change can be hard and very scary. I completely understand but it's time to create the driving force to allow success in your life. You are a successful person, I believe in you!!

Your mindset is your confidence!! I am confident and I believe in myself! In this picture I am the driving force of discipline, strength, confidence, and ambition for advocating at the Kansas State Capitol in Topeka, Kansas!

It’s time to commit to ourselves and grow our mindset! 

-Katelyn Andrist 

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