Wednesday, January 1, 2025

I Hereby Resolve...

Typically, the end of the year is a time for people to reflect on their life, and to make any changes they see the need for. Why do it for the first of the year? No particular reason. Although, I suppose, a July 2 Resolution doesn’t have the same ring to it. A New Year’s Resolution also has the added benefit of only occurring once a year. If you make a New Month Resolution, and fail after three days…you have some obligation to make the same resolution the next month. If you make a resolution on January 1, but flop by January 2, you can wait an entire year before you have to try and make yourself a better person. That’s a handy feature. People also find it nicer to write these resolutions down. Anything written down automatically has more weight. After all, if you take the time to type it out and share it with others, it must be important. Plus, anyone why knows about your resolution will obviously shun you if you don’t stick to it. If you make a resolution in silence, it’s pretty easy to ignore it. Of course, that presumes that anyone is listening, or cares enough to hold you to it. That’s probably not the case here. But, what else am I going to write about on January 1st? 

My main resolution really requires you to all help along. I really want to be able to share more guest blogs from all of you in 2025. While the writing and sending part depends on you, there are some things I can do to help you along with that.

I want to work on making this a place where you're more likely to want to write a blog for. Starting with viewership. I want to make a dedicated effort to make sure as many eyes as possible are on your posts when you write them. Whether that's with promotion or persistence, I need to get moving. The Instagram account passing 2000 followers is a result of similar efforts on that front. I'd like to do similar things here.

I also want to be more visible elsewhere in the titleholder landscape. Whether that's following and commenting on social media, or reading and commenting on websites and blogs, or whatever else it may be. Part of that is, simply, those things are worthy of my support. The other part is just making Section 36 Forevers more of a community that you'll love being a part of. Feel free to offer suggestions on that front and ways I can support you.

So, there we go. Things I want to try and do in the coming year. If you care, feel free to try and keep me honest. Mocking comments if I’m going astray are encouraged. Or, help me out by contributing to the resolutions. Or both. Or, ignore it all completely. Your call.

Happy New Year Everyone!

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