“Push yourself” is a phrase I live by. Don’t succumb to the challenge. Fight your way to the top of the mountain and come down stronger. But what happens when you push too hard? What happens when you slip on the mountain and come crashing down? How do you overcome the fear of falling again? I’ve had minor physical injuries before, each one presenting the waiting game that is recovery. And each time, I bounced back. But this time is a little different.
Fitness is my favorite phase of competition. I crave that adrenaline rush as I strut to upbeat music and pose like Wonder Woman. I can feel confidence radiate from my body. As Miss South Dakota approaches in a few short months, I carve out time to practice my fitness routine twice a week. That consistency came to a screeching halt when I contracted tendonitis in my right foot from excessive strain. I didn’t know what happened at the time, so I assumed it was a cramp and went about the rest of my evening in a bit of pain. After some ice and pain reliever, I went to bed expecting to be good as new in the morning.
I was not good as new the next morning. As soon as I woke up, I put both feet on the floor and immediately lost balance due to searing pain in my foot. It became clear that this was more than just a cramp. My foot didn’t have any bruises or swelling, but I paid a visit to a doctor because the pain was so intense. Three x-rays later, I was told there was no sprain, fractures, or broken bones. Instead, I had tendonitis, which is inflammation in the tissues that connect muscles to bones. Mild tendonitis is easily treated with ice, occasional pain reliever, and “taking it easy” for a week or so.
“Taking it easy”. A simple concept, but easier said than done if you’re someone like me. How can I possibly be productive when I’m stuck in bed with my foot up? How am I supposed to prepare to compete for the job of a lifetime if I can’t walk without being in pain? The answer to those questions is listening to what my body is telling me. I know the condition of my injury could have been immensely worse had I ignored the pain I was in.
I’m still in the recovery process at this time. “Taking it easy” has made time for self-reflection, which I’ll admit is a little rattling. Refocusing my Miss South Dakota prep was not something I planned for. Each hour that passes as I “take it easy”, I think about what I need to prioritize in order to come back stronger. And that priority is my physical wellbeing.
What I want you to take away from my story is that working hard is important, but so is resting. Being Miss America Fit isn’t just about being strong and energetic— it’s about letting your body recover in its own time. Take it easy on your body because it’s the only one you have.
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